Fresh Pumpkin Deeeelight

Just because October and Halloween are over doesn’t mean we can’t keep pumpkin-containing foods in our everyday nutrition. Are you with me, fellow pumpkin lovers?

My friend, Ashley, has a bountiful garden where she grows many vegetables and fruits, including pie pumpkins. At her encouragement, she got me thinking about baking my own fresh pumpkins to use for pumpkin puree instead of the canned varieties I am used to… and admittedly, had been lazy about.

Here’s a transparency, truth-telling moment: I’ve never baked a pumpkin before.


Now that we have THAT out of the way….

Take note that the baking pumpkin (aka sugar pumpkin) is not to be confused with the carving pumpkin. You’ll typically find the pie pumpkins in the produce section at the grocery store, near where the other winter squash is located. Unless, of course, you have a friend that grows these beauties. Then, you are in luck to get them right from the ground!

Baking a pumpkin is no different than baking other winter squash:

  • Cut in half with a sharp knife (or not; you can put it in the oven whole and then slice after baking but be careful of a HOT-rolling-around-gourd in your kitchen!).

  • Strip out the seeds and fleshy stringy innards. Save this stuff so you can separate the seeds and bake them with seasonings of choice to provide some extra snacking yummies.

  • Bake at 350F until the inside of the pumpkin is soft (use a fork to pierce).

  • Remove from oven to cool.

  • Then, scoop out all the yummy pumpkin goodness. Puree in a food processor or blender, or store in the refrigerator until ready to puree.

Just like most other winter squash, pie pumpkin contains a respectable amount of vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, and is a great carbohydrate choice given its nutrient density.

The taste? It is SO much better than canned, but that’s really no surprise when you think about the taste of most fresh vs. canned foods.

Do you have a favorite dish you use with fresh pumpkin? If so, comment here or tag Nutrition Mechanic on Instagram next time!

Thanks for reading,

