
Note: There is a slight touch of satire in this post, but no disrespect is intended given the severity of the current pandemic in our world.

In my last post on telecommuting, I was all “Hey, just do these easy things and you’ll be free from Blobdom!” Or that’s what it may have sounded like to some.

But not so fast.

A lot in our world has changed at an exponential rate. As a result, we are each having to figure out our Stuff in our own mini-worlds.

Personally, I had a few good days after that telecommuting post was published…exercising well, eating as per usual, and doing all around a-okay. And I should add that I’ve BEEN a telecommuter for a long time now.

Then, motivation plummeted.

I’ve had some decent chunks of time finding myself living in Blobville.

Thoughts like…

- What’s the point?
- How long will it be like this?
- Who cares about training and fitness when there are more important issues?
- Exercising? Moving? Maybe later, alligator.
- Let me check the Interwebs for the latest virus news… (leading to further energy drain).
and etc., etc., etc.

Then, a snowstorm hit here in the mountains and left a good few feet of snow to mess with and the sun went bye-bye for a while. The ol’ mood sunk and motivation hit new bottoms.

Along the way, I was talking with my clients who were also feeling down in the dumps with all of the changes going on. We shared in fears, adjustments, and uncertainty.

The communal vibe was: We Be in Funky Funked Town.

And then… I started learning of people I know, and people I know who know someone else, getting tested positive for The Virus, getting really, really sick… and well, that put me in a reset zone.

Thoughts like:

- Geesh, I got it good here… with all that I DO have (food, shelter, etc.)!
- Alright. SQ’ing or SI’ing or SD’ing. It’s fine. I am doing my part to #flattenthecurve !
- Shoveling snow is a great workout! How lucky we are to have this beautiful snow!
- Look at all of the cool home workouts there are! And no fancy equipment needed!
… and, there are so many people who are suffering way more than me.

Not that this situation needs to be about the comparison game. As a friend of mine recently said, “Everyone’s “Shitty” is different.” Your funk is different from mine, and mine is different from the next person and so on. Just like it was before.

But we each need to connect-reconnect to our own “What For” and “Why” to get through these times to the other side, even if we have no idea how long it’s going to be or what life is going to look like. I know what I don’t want for myself: being unhealthy, lazy, weak, unfit, and a pile of mush. No thanks. It’s much harder to work your way back into good health and fitness than it is to maintain a level of it. You know this too, right?

So back to Blobbing. Depending on your level of Nonsense that existed before we entered COVID-19 Life As We Know It At This Minute, we may have extra (fun and hard) work on our hands right now. But, really… what is it you want at the end of all of this for your health? (and I pray you and all of your loved ones make it through this pandemic safely).

It’s an opportune time to re-examine what health means to you, for you, and the “why and what for” on your own terms. “We have messes made from the past; we have messes inside us (we are not messes) - and we need to figure out those things up front in order to move forward.” (from Meredith Atwood’s “Year of No Nonsense” book)

Maybe all of it is in flux right now, but give it some thought. And it’s okay to have grace with yourself during this time. But, we can still choose to live in less Blobdom.

Thanks for reading,