Gratitude & Opportunity post-Ironman

It’s not that I haven’t wanted to post a new blog since my post-Ironman report. It’s not that I’ve been lazy or too busy either.  I’m not really sure how to explain it other than a feeling of denial that Ironman was over and there was no other new and special event on my schedule thereafter. Dealing with the “what next?” feeling was not something I had given much thought to beforehand. The focus had been getting to the start line, getting to the finish line and then being thankful. 

And I am thankful for all who helped me to get to the IMCDA start line.  While I’m on that tangent, a quick note of thanks to:

  • my coach, Julie, who kept me strong, healthy and injury-free throughout. She kept me honest and put me in my place when needed. Always supportive and paying attention to the balance in my life.
  • Ryan and the KompetitveEdge staff. Nope, I’m no special triathlete with the fancy-schmancy-ness anything. But those guys treated me and my bike with respect and were beyond helpful. My Cervelo horse worked flawlessly.
  • Shirley and the staff at InMotion Rehabilitation for the deep tissue massages. 
  • Sonja Wieck for giving some last minute tips in Coeur d’Alene, providing calmness yet fire, and for cheering me on race day.
  • family and friends - special thanks to my Boise family who drove to CDA to be with me on race weekend. And big hugs to all my other friends and family; you know who you are.
  • my athletes - you inspire me, you teach me. You are uber groovy.
  • and the Last but Not Least: my husband who endlessly encouraged and supported me, never questioning my drive or my goals. You are the bomb.

So, I realized recently I didn’t need to have a new race or my own athletic endeavor immediately on the schedule to feel complete or to prove anything. I had been given opportunities after IMCDA “to give” to other athletes in ways I had not yet experienced. These were times to be on the other side of the fence. Not to show up as an athlete in my own bubble but to be supportive of other athletes’ dreams. 

I’d like to briefly share a few of these stories in my next blogs because that question after IMCDA of “what do I do next?” was answered by three exciting adventures I could not be more thankful for...
