Reducing Food Waste: The Why and How

Food waste is a huge issue for the planet. Thanks to Maggie for sharing some creative ways to make a dent in our food waste! —Dina

If the past year found you cooking more at home, you’re not alone. The COVID-19 pandemic has many of us in the kitchen more often than not. And some of us are taking advantage of the time to learn more dishes to cook or experimenting with old recipes. 

Either way, we can all agree that there is one thing in common: food waste.

Reducing the amount of food we throw away can actually hit home. Not only does food waste equate to throwing away your money, but it is also a contributor to climate change. When food is thrown away or wasted, it rots and emits various greenhouse gases, including methane.

Nutrition and sustainability go hand in hand: We want to make sure we’re meeting our nutritional needs through healthy produce, but also ensure that we can continue that practice for years to come. 


But fear not. We can do our part in the kitchen with a few tips to help reduce our food waste. It will help save you money and truthfully, make you feel really impressed with yourself (who can get enough of that?!). Plus, it will help us all get better at meal prep and planning, which I can agree, is not always easy. 

  1. Freeze more than water. Stock up on those ice trays!

    Fresh herbs add great flavor and have many health benefits, but oh so often, they can go bad in our fridge. Instead of tossing them, clean and cut them up (maybe mix a few like basil and oregano!) and place them in your ice cube trays. However, instead of adding water, add olive oil. Next time you want to make a stir-fry or sauté some vegetables, just add in one of these cubes. Easy peasy! This can also work with berries or fruit that is about to get mushy. Throw them in an ice tray with some water (I like to mash mine up a bit) and freeze. It’s a great way to add some fun to your water and keep up with your hydration.

  2. Don’t toss those ends!

    Do you ever find yourself cutting up carrots or celery to be left with the ends or leafy middle that no one wants as a snack? No worries, chop those ends up into small bite sized pieces and create your next soup mirepoix. By adding some onion and salt + pepper, you have yourself a base for a great winter soup.

  3. Popsicles

    We never need an excuse to enjoy a popsicle and while it is technically autumn, Colorado loves to throw in a warmer day or two in there. Instead of taking those brown bananas and immediately freezing them, try adding them to a blender with your favorite fruit (blueberries, mango, watermelon) and some Greek yogurt. You’ll end up with a yummy smoothie mixture that you can pour right into popsicle molds and freeze. It’s an easy way to get your kiddos to get some extra fruit and protein into their diet too. Here’s my favorite popsicle mold that I use at home.

  4. About that box of rice…

    Hands up if you have a box of leftover rice from your favorite takeout spot? I no joke have two in my fridge as I write this and even though some might call it boring or dry, I see a future there. It can last you 4 - 7 days and can be turned into so many great recipes including: rice pudding, stuffed bell peppers, chicken and rice soup, and fried rice. Am I missing any or do you want any of these recipes? Let me know in the comments below!

  5. When in doubt, compost it out!

    There is no doubt that we will still have food waste when we cook, but if we can decrease the amount of waste, we’re doing great. That said, a great way to get rid of the food we can’t use is through composting. Many cities and farmers markets have drop-off locations and there are so many great portable bins to have under your sink or in your pantry. Here’s my favorite.

Need more help with getting the best of your meal planning and reducing your food waste, email me and I’d love to hear from you! 

Keep up the good work, friends! 