Calling BS

Nutrition Bullshittery is everywhere. Enjoy this piece from Kristin - she’s got the BS Meter turned up! —Dina



As Sports Dietitians, we’ve seen and heard a lot of interesting things over the years. Some of it sound, and some of it sends the malarkey meter straight into the red! 

Just this week, I was on some popular websites and read the following claims:

  • Most athletes don’t need more protein than the 0.8 grams per kilogram per day that the RDA recommends (WRONG!)

  • Excess protein will be converted to fat (Ummm, SO wrong!)

  • A high fat, low carb (AKA “keto”) diet will make you a faster triathlete (NOPE!)

Unfortunately, the industry is rife with self-proclaimed “experts” who tout their philosophies, programs, and powders as cure-alls that “finally work”.

Let’s face it, slick marketing and highly produced videos get our attention. It’s an industry that preys on our fears and insecurities and before we know it, we’re forking over $149 a month for magic beans. I wish I had a dollar for every piece of misinformation I’ve read…

At The Nutrition Mechanic, we believe that it’s our job to stay current on best practices, the latest peer-reviewed research, and data. This makes us better practitioners and keeps us relevant. We’re also aware of what’s popular and trending in the world of sports nutrition. This keeps us grounded. 

As Sports Dietitians, we provide our clients with sound, evidence-informed nutrition advice backed by science, experience, and education. We weed through the hype and hyperbole and call out the nonsense when we see it (and gosh, do we see a lot of it!)

So, whether your goal is a slot at the Ironman World Championships, or crossing the finish line at your first marathon, The Nutrition Mechanic team is here to help. 

Drop me a note when you’re ready for clearing the mud,