In this last blog of the 3-part series, we learn more about Katie and Henley’s preparation for their human-powered adventure across Australia starting this July. Check out the podcasts, listed at the end, to hear more about Katie’s background and fiery spirit. There’s also a fun video highlighting her Oz run you can check out here.
Dina: How have you been preparing physically for this run? And do you have specific run goals when in Oz?
Katie: In Australia, I will be running thirty miles a day for about 3.5 months straight. Each day will be broken up into three to four “chunks” with breaks in between. That is the goal. For training, I work backwards from the goal. I started with a base of twenty miles a week in December of 2018. From that point, I’ve increased mileage no more than 10% per week and will peak at 95 miles a week before tapering about five weeks before starting my run in Oz.
I am at about 70 miles a week now and I feel strong! Each day’s mileage is a total and can be broken up into chunks each day like I will be doing in Oz. It’s all about replicating now what I will be doing in the future. Practice-practice-practice is the name of the game in training.
To compensate for the pounding of running, I do Bikram yoga once or twice a week and also a lightweight strength routine once or twice weekly. All of this is supported and guided by my own instincts mostly, and the enthusiastic support of my coach, Kristie Cranford of KR Endurance.
Dina: From a nutritional standpoint, what are you (and Henley) doing to prepare for such a long duration without convenient food and water stops? And where will you sleep?
Katie: Our supply of food and water is our biggest hurdle for this expedition. Along our route from Darwin to Adelaide, food and water stops are about every 200-300 miles on average. That means that we need to pack our bike with 7-10 days of supplies with us at any given time. Due to the lack of conveniences and in order to have a bit of control over what we will eat, we will pack some boxes of food and ship them to 4-5 points along the route. Some items in these boxes will be energy bars, protein powders, electrolytes, and other sundries. If you know of an energy bar or protein powder company who wants to donate product to our trek, please email me!
The beauty of being 100% human-powered while crossing the most unpopulated and barren landscape in the world is that we will camp each night in the bush. I can’t wait for this, and it also terrifies me. Many think it’s nuts to do this and that we will be eaten alive by hundreds of poisonous snakes and whacked upside the head by mean kangaroos and feral camels. And why go through the deserts when you can take the road? For me, I cannot let fear be a reason to not do something. On the contrary, fear can be the allure.
Katie and Henley
Dina: I’m sure you will have a medical kit with you and your Spot GPS device for emergency purposes, but we will keep our fingers crossed that the creatures of the Outback keep a safe distance. I have a few other random questions, nothing really to do with the Oz run. Ready? What’s your favorite kitchen gadget?
Katie: Hands down the Vitamix!!! A close second is the 8-quart Instant Pot!!!
Dina: What is one personality characteristic that most people don’t know about you?
Katie: I love people and community so much and I come alive when I am with others, but I actually really love being alone. I believe I am 45% introverted! Surprise!
Dina: What’s an all-time favorite food that you could eat anywhere and anytime?
Katie: Homemade slow-fermented sourdough bread made with freshly milled organic heirloom wheat…dipped in extra virgin Spanish or Italian olive oil!!!!!! Oh. My. Goodness. Need. Some. Now.
Dina: OMG. Sounds delish! Hey…. Katie? Hellooooo? Ah shucks, she really did head out for a snack. Oh well, you see what I mean about a curiously cool spirit, readers? She embodies fire and passion. No doubt.
Thanks for reading and please consider a donation to support Katie and Henley’s Oz adventure on their website. If you missed Part 1 and Part 2 in this series, be sure to check those out for more fun tidbits about Katie! We’ll likely provide one more update to highlight how Katie will fuel her run days while in Oz. Stay tuned and sign up for the Nutrition Mechanic newsletter so you don’t miss any future Tools from the Toolbox!
Recent podcasts with Katie:
Running Rogue Podcast
Fearless Self-Love Podcast
Everyday Creative People
Thank you from The Nutrition Mechanic,