Actually, It's the First Discipline

Today’s “If I had a dollar every time I heard [fill in the blank with the thing you’ve heard a zillion times]” department:

“Nutrition is the 4th discipline of triathlon.”

You’ve heard or said it too?

I’m actually gonna vote to nudge that whole nutrition thang up in the ranking. Yeah, I’m talking ‘bout 1st place in the line up.

I know…crazy me, eh?

It’s just wordplay, you say, and I should lighten up.

But I can’t.

The simple fact of the matter is putting thought and practice into your training nutrition (and hydration) way in advance will pay out big time on race day.

It may seem so obvious, so intuitive… to plan ahead, practice, refine, repeat, repeat, repeat.

Without the practice and refinement of YOUR training nutrition and hydration strategies, you risk blowing a day that you’ve spent months training for.

You risk injury.
You risk gut bombs.
You risk a puny performance day.

There’s no better time to start now. Give your nutrition the attention it deserves.

The dividends are grand and that finish line is so much sweeter.
