Almond Oat Molasses Bites

There’s something fun about the ol’ “energy bite”…
Is it that they’re fun to make?
Easy to gobble down?
Rewarding to have stashed in the fridge or freezer for later grab ‘n’ go?
Versatile to adapt ingredient-wise?

The answer = All of the above.

Aside from the aforementioned bonuses of energy bites, I selected this recipe because I haven’t used molasses as an ingredient in quite some time. While you’ll see molasses listed on the “vegan sources of iron” food lists, it imparts a unique flavor and not one that works for all people’s palates either. So, if we can find ways to sneak it in without the taste buds getting angry, then that’s groovy.

Let’s cut to the chase here…

Recipe Ingredients*:

  • 2 c (210 gm) thick cut old-fashioned oats

  • 1/3 c (32 gm) ground flax

  • 3 Tbsp (30 gm) hemp hearts

  • 1 Tbsp (10 gm) chia seeds

  • 3 Tbsp (28 gm) chopped dried tart Montmorency cherries (you can use any dried fruit)

  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

  • 1/4 tsp iodized salt

  • 2 Tbsp (40 gm) blackstrap molasses (I used the Wholesome brand)

  • 2/3 c (170 gm) crunchy almond butter

  • 2 Tbsp (40 gm) maple syrup

*Recipe was adapted from this Sweet Poppy Seed.


Preparation Steps:

  1. Combine and mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl.

  2. Add in the remaining ingredients and combine. The mixture will seem sticky, but should be fine. If you find it way too dry, you can add a few drops of cold water and then stir again.

  3. Roll into bite size balls with your hands. I made these fairly small (a little less than ping pong size) and got a yield of 23. I know this can throw off the Type As out there since it’s not an even number but take a breath. 😜

  4. Use parchment paper to separate them if layering into a container. Store in a container in the freezer or fridge.

Basic nutritional info per bite (rounded values):
Yield: 23 bites

100 kilocalories
9 gm carbohydrate
2 gm fiber
3 gm protein
5.5 gm fat
3:1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein

How do they taste? They are not super sweet and you can detect the molasses if you know what to look for. But they aren’t overwhelmingly bitter. They passed the usually indifferent husband taste test and I even got a “These are good!!” for what it’s worth. And the Chief Mechanic quite likes them so have no fear.

Are these bites all you need to get your daily iron? No way and in fact, most bites like this aren’t going to be adequate for daily needs… let alone for the athlete (omniovore, vegan, or otherwise). While oats, chia, and molasses contain iron, we have to look at many other ways to get a variety of iron-rich foods throughout your days.

How can you incorporate these into your everyday? You can consider eating 1-2 before a training session or even if you’re doing a longer endurance session such as a long bike, hike, or trail run. These aren’t super high in protein by themselves but could be paired with something else if using as a general snack during non-exercise time frames.

Let me know if you try them - tag me on the Gram for extra fun.

Happy bites,