Ginger Pumpkin Smoothie

Fresh ginger root is hands down one of my favorite spices to use in meals and smoothies, not only for its potent aroma, but its powerful medicinal effects across a wide array of ailments and conditions.

And do you like pumpkin? Why not blend ginger and pumpkin together for a delightful combo? Like this recent mix I whipped up for the Fella of the house:


  • 8 oz unsweetened vanilla cashew milk (from carton; you can use your milk of choice)

  • 1/3 c organic pumpkin puree

  • 1/3 c greek yogurt, 5% fat (you can omit or substitute a non-dairy yogurt)

  • 1/2 ‘thumb’ of fresh ginger root (about 1 Tbsp; I didn’t peel it)

  • 1 scoop of chocolate whey isolate powder (I use Thorne, but you can sub your fave chocolate protein at ~20 grams by protein content)

  • 1 oz raw cashews

  • 1/2 large banana, frozen

  • couple ice cubes, 4-8 oz water depending on how thick you like the consistency

Add to a high powered blender (Vitamix) and let ‘er rip.

This mix is flavorful, fresh, and goes down easy (yes, I snuck a few gulps even though it was made for The Teacher Dude, not me).

Basic nutrition info:
~460 calories
38 grams carbohydrate (6 grams fiber)
34 grams protein
19 grams fat
1:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio

Give it a whirl,