Coffee Coolers

Not all of us coffee lovers desire a hot coffee on a blazin’ warm summer morning. Plus, you throw in a sweaty morning exercise session and we want nothing but an uncomfortably cold shower for a quick cooldown.

Sure, you can throw ice in your coffee or do a cold brew and problem is semi-solved. But what about a combo of caffeine plus fuel in an easy-to-get-down drinkable to get you jazzed AND workout ready?

Here are a few recipes to get you started in your DIY Coffee Cooler adventures.

Recipe #1

  • 8 oz (240 ml) coffee (The stronger, the better IMO. I usually make extra coffee to store in the fridge for the next day’s use and haven’t dabbled in making my own cold brew yet)

  • 1 frozen banana (or use a non-frozen banana and add more ice)

  • 1/2 c (120 gm) unsweetened Fage 2% yogurt (or any protein-rich yogurt)

  • 2 Tbsp (16 gm) peanut powder (I used this one)

  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

  • ice - the more you add, the more volume you’ll get and the more slush factor (I added about a cup of ice)

Add all ingredients to a blender and whirl it up!

Basic nutrition info:
~250 calories
36 grams carbohydrate
5 grams fiber
18 grams protein
4 grams fat
2:1 carb to protein ratio - great for a pre-workout combo!

Recipe #2 (a little more hearty)

  • 8 oz (240 ml) coffee (stronger, the better IMO)

  • 4 oz (120 ml) milk of choice (I used an unsweetened soy milk for a touch more protein)

  • 1 frozen banana (you can use a fresh one too, but you’ll want to be sure you add more ice)

  • 1/2 c (120 gm) unsweetened Fage 2% yogurt (or any protein-rich yogurt)

  • 2 Tbsp (16 gm) peanut powder (I used this one)

  • 1 Tbsp (5 gm) organic raw cocoa powder

  • 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract

  • ice - the more you add, the more volume you’ll get and the more slush factor

Add all ingredients to a blender and whirl it up to your desired consistency. Gulp and enjoy!

Basic nutrition info:
~320 calories
40 grams carbohydrate
7.5 grams fiber
24 grams protein
7 grams fat
about a 1.5 to 1 carb to protein ratio - also great for a pre-workout combo!


Including protein in your pre-workout snack better stabilizes blood sugar, makes the fuel “stick” longer (meaning, you are more satisfied AND the fuel isn’t used up within 15 minutes like a classic energy gel), and increases your blood level of amino acids after an overnight fast (which helps to support your workout recovery).

Let me know if you try these or have your own favorite DIY Coffee Cooler so I can try your concoction!
