Sport Dietitian

How Fueling Confusion and Gut Bombs got me here

How Fueling Confusion and Gut Bombs got me here

How my own running endeavors and lack of sports nutrition clarity got me to where I am now.

The Year of Nothing... and Everything, Part 3

The Year of Nothing... and Everything, Part 3

Many people don’t know Board Certified Sport Dietitians/Registered Dietitians exist, don’t realize the value of working with one, or simply prefer to do trial and error until they just can’t any longer.  As somewhat of a shy gal, this has given me some fun challenges as I work to educate more local coaches and athletes as to the value of li’l ol’ me and what I love doing as a career.  

Where ya been?… and picking yourself up

Where ya been?… and picking yourself up

My tendency to think I have worthy blog posts comes and goes. Lately, I admit to the "wane" slump.  However, I’ve been asked by many “What have you been up to and what are you racing this year?” so I figured it’s time for a quick catch up blog post. And also to let you know I, too, have to pick myself up from a metaphorical (and literal) fall.