nutrition periodization

Metabolic Efficiency: Friend and Certainly Not Foe

Metabolic Efficiency: Friend and Certainly Not Foe

Nutrition is a very touchy and emotional topic for many people, particularly athletes. Metabolic Efficiency Training and its nutrition strategies are commonly misinterpreted and misunderstood. Get more of the lowdown here, ya'll.

My metabolic efficiency status leading into IMCDA

My metabolic efficiency status leading into IMCDA

In my work as a Sport Dietitian, I have guided many levels of triathletes with their daily and training nutrition leading up to Ironman.  But now it’s my turn to feel the challenges of Ironman nutrition.

The Scoop on "The Athlete's Food Guide to Metabolic Efficiency Training"

The Scoop on "The Athlete's Food Guide to Metabolic Efficiency Training"

"The Athlete's Food Guide to Metabolic Efficiency" is an e-book I co-authored with my colleague, Bob Seebohar.  I want to give you a quick "top 10 list" why this book would be a great addition to your personal library.  Ready?