Do you need to be an endurance athlete to eat fuller-fat yogurt? Will the extra fat make you gain weight? This question from a Nutrition Mechanic follower gets addressed!
You can have all the fancy kitchen gadgets in the world, but if you don’t recognize this one critical step, then those cool gadgets will just become dust collectors.
Pills, powders, potions. Are you taking supplements without knowing whether they are effective and safe? A call to action: Do an inventory and ask yourself what you really know about the supplements you are putting into your body.
Ever try your hand at homemade granola? This version is ~3-6 times lower in sugar compared to the typical store-bought varieties, but hefty in good fat sources to help keep you full and satisfied.
I’ve long been aware of the allure of the açaí bowl, but it was time to try one for myself. No surprise… the tastebuds immediately responded with “get in her belly”.
You ever start your “food day” really well and then it ends up to be kinda-sorta-not great at all? There can be many reasons for this. Read this account and think about a few ways to assess what’s really happening instead of simply moving forward.
The Nutrition Mechanic increased the OF (“oomph factor”) for this boxed pancake mix and delight ensued: an improved carb to protein ratio and not having to ride the blood sugar roller coaster. Bonus points for tasting so good!